Program Overview
We help Indigenous students find casual or part-time work in a position related to their course of study. For example, instead of working in Hospitality or Retail while in Uni, we’ll find an Accounting student a job in an Accounting firm (or department).
While other students are working in a restaurant, you’ll be getting real-world experience relative to the course you’re studying. It might be casual or part-time hours during the term, with the possibility of more full-time hours over the breaks.
Upon graduation, our Indigenous Interns will already have significant work experience in their field, giving them a competitive edge over other Graduates.
Ideally, the company the Intern has been working for during their studies will offer a permanent role upon graduation.

Special Measures provisions in the federal Racial Discrimination Act 1975
‘Special measure’ provisions in discrimination laws allow employers to implement such strategies for the benefit of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people without breaching prohibitions on racial discrimination. Provided a targeted recruitment strategy meets the requirements of a special measure, it is lawful under discrimination law (except in NSW, where an employer is required to seek an exemption).
There are two types of exceptions that can apply in the case of targeted recruitment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people:
- ‘Special Measure’ provisions and
- ‘Genuine Occupational Requirement’ provisions (often referred to as an Indigenous Identified role)
All discrimination laws which prohibit racial discrimination, with the single exception of the NSW Act, have provisions which make clear that positive action to assist historically disadvantaged racial groups will not be considered unlawful discrimination.
- Necessary because members of a racial group are disadvantaged because of their race
- Will promote equal opportunity for members of that racial group
- Its sole purpose is to promote equal opportunity (and will be done in good faith)
- Reasonable and proportionate (including reasonably likely, appropriate and adapted to achieve its purpose)
- Will stop once its purpose has been achieved
Shine People Solutions seeks applications ONLY from Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander university students for this initiative, as the organisations we recruit for will be utilising these provisions, as part of their RAP or general recruitment and attraction processes.
For Students
Want a paid job related to your course - throughout Uni, click below to learn more:
For Business
Why you need an Indigenous Intern in your Organisation:
For Universities
Indigenous Student Support Units - Achieve great outcomes for the students: